Friday, September 26, 2008

Italy Tour 2008 - Day 1 - Travel

So... I'm sitting at the airport. A nor'easter is screwing up the east coast airlines so no telling when I'll get to Philly.

Brian got me a new camera so I played with it a bit. I have books and I'm fighting the impulse to work on work stuff =)

Maybe I'll go look for another bunny photo for gtalk. That would be productive.

(later, from Philly)
My new bunny is hysterical... Mom's DCA flight was cancelled. Slight panic as the only flight they could book her on had little chance of being on time and risked missing the Rome flight completely. On Brian's advice, she booked it to grab the fast train from Union Station.

Great plan to get HER to Rome. Luggage is another issue altogether. In any event, she made it to Philly.

(even later, from Rome)
Our flight to Rome was delayed about an hour. At one point in an attempt to get more than 5 consecutive minutes asleep I actually crawled on the floor in front of my seat facing backwards to hug my blanket and lean on my seat. Surprisingly comfortable considering the cramped conditions... that is until someone stepped on me.

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