Sunday, November 18, 2007

Roatan - Day 2

Our first day of diving started this morning after a big breakfast and a dive orientation meeting. We completed a checkout dive on the house reef just off the shore. You can see out entry and exit point from the CoCo View Beach Webcam. The orientation dive required a couple of skills (mask flood and clear, buoyancy check, and regulator ditch and recovery. We then toured the two walls and wreck between them. It's great to have some nice diving right off the beach... we're sure to hit some night dives out there!

After the orientation dive and lunch, we loaded up on the boats for the afternoon diving. We hit Kana and then dropped off at CoCo View Wall on the way back in (one of the shore dives at the resort). The nice thing about the drop-off dive is you can start much further out than you would ever hit in a round trip from the beach, so there are definitely new sights to see.

We will work on the pictures for tomorrow's post, so stay tuned!

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