Saturday, June 30, 2007

Andros - Day 4

Lynn and Flash left Friday late-afternoon; we now have the whole resort to ourselves... Looks like it will be just us for the rest of our trip, with the owners Mark and Lucia, and the Dive Masters Paul and Jade. They had a wedding scheduled for this week, but the guests canceled about 3-4 weeks ago... canceled the wedding too! We are getting some real personal attention to say the least; great people!

Blueberry muffins and sweet bread (per our request for a light breakfast) to start. Tuna salad sandwiches with pasta salad and chips for lunch. Wings for late pm snack. Pot roast for dinner with carrots, potatoes and gravy. Peanut butter pie...mmm. So much for the light breakfast...

Saturday was beautiful and the real heat of the sun was felt. Where'd that breeze go???

This was our best day of diving so far. The sudden change in weather allowed us to take a pontoon boat out instead of a traditional v-hull boat. Sounds odd, but reality is the pontoon is faster since you can go straight out over top of the reef, versus having to navigate the channel with a bigger, traditional hull boat. It was so flat that the pontoon did great even beyond the reef. We did two deep dives today, hitting over 110' on the first dive and close to 90' on the second dive. No camera today given the types of dives we planned, so we will probably have some more pictures tomorrow. (We did add a couple "Topside" critter photos for fun).

Pearly Gates (Wall of pillar formations 60-80' wall falls off at 110' almost straight down to 6000', we tried but couldn't see that far down):
Large Spotted Eagle Ray during ascent (5 to 6' wingspan)
Midnight Parrotfish
Baby Lionfish then cluster of 3 larger together on wall
Grey Angelfish
Small school of Horse-eye Jacks

Horse-eye Rock:
Barracuda upon entry (coming within a foot of Kara's mask... curiosity?)
Huge resident Cubera Snapper (40+ lbs)
Queen Angelfish
Small school of Bar Jacks

Dock (snorkeling and casual observation):
7 lionfish
2 barracuda (1 juvenile only 3" long)
Thousands of baitfish
nursery for seargant majors and needlefish
Juvenile Spotfin Angelfish
2 Small Foureye Butterflyfish
3+ Queen Angelfish
Juvenile Gray Angelfish

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