Friday, June 29, 2007

Andros - Day 3

Breakfast of eggs over medium with toast. Excellent cheeseburgers for lunch with fries. Nacho snack after diving. Grilled Cornish game hens stuffed with couscous and brocolli for dinner with Lucia's first batch of sweet bread -- dense but EXCELLENT. No dessert as we were stuffed!

Rain continued off and on this morning through lunch, then cleared and the sun came out. A stiff breeze persisted through the afternoon.

Friday morning we were forced to abort the morning dives due to rough water conditions. Wind was still making some serious chop and as we exited the bay the rain began to dump. We turned around and headed in. Later Friday afternoon (post mid-afternoon nap) the rain stopped, wind calmed and the waters went flat like nothing had ever happened. We got out for an afternoon dive to the Labrynth. As with the first two dives, we kept "inside the reef" for easier conditions.

Labyrinth (Large boulder and pillar formations with tons of swim-through opportunities):
Yellowfin Grouper
Large Grey Angel
several large Barracuda
Large Sharpnose Puffer
See Photos

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