Monday, November 24, 2008

Bonaire 2008 - Day 3 - Monday, 11/24/08

We had a busy day with LONG dives. We completed 4 dives: 2 morning, 1 afternoon, and 1 night dive. Our three dives during the day were highlighted by a turtle sighting on each dive. The night dive brought some different crabs and lobsters we don't typically see during the day. We got some good pictures today, so we'll add more to this post. You can click on any picture for a larger version. We'll let you know when we finally get the actual photos posted on our photo site, but it may not be until we get back. Here are the highlights from today's dives:

Angel City to Helma Hooker:
Spotted Eagle Ray
Porcuipine puffer
Hawksbill turtle
All kinds Butterflyfish
The sunken ship "Hilma Hooker"

Spotted Eagle Ray
Several puffer/balloon fish
minibaby blennies
small scorpion fish
chain moray
school of mahogany snapper

1000 steps:
green sea turtle
2 large super male parrotfish
blackfaced blennie
dark mantis shrimp
West Indian Sea Egg (Urchin)

Bari Night Dive:
Sculptured Slipper Lobster
Spotted Spiny Lobster
Large Tarpon (Charlie)
Decorator Crabs
Three-Road Sea Cucumber

After Dinner a group of us went back to Casablanca (some others hadn't been yet and as mentioned, we would were planning on going back anyway this week!) Dive Shop owners - Ken and Mary, prior dive friends - Mike and Colleen, new on this trip - Kristin and Duane, and Mike Whitmire were there when we arrived a few mintues later. Brian had a pork dish and I had land and sea filet and shrimp. Although service is slow (ala island time) the food really can't be beat.

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